Why you should visualise your ideal day and create a meta-story

Katherine Bennett
6 min readJul 8, 2021
Why you should visualise your ideal day and create a meta-story

One of the main things that keeps people trapped in the limiting status quo is that they don’t visualize clearly who they want to be and what they want their lives to look like — only then do you have a clear path forward.

Your meta-story is a clear definition and visualization of the life you deeply want. It also defines the bigger version of yourself, the you who is truly happy and fulfilled.

Defining your meta-story means bringing to life emotionally what you want your life to be, imagining the little details such as what you see and feel and smell when you wake up each morning in your ideal life. This changes your habitual patterns of thought and is the motivation that gives you the strength to overcome all obstacles until your life reflects your heart’s joy.

The ideal day is a form of meta-story. It hasn’t become real yet, but the act of creating the meta story in your mind and writing it down on paper helps you focus on creating that ideal day (and life).
The Meta story is the basis of the book “How to make lots of Money for anything fast” , by Stuart Lichtman and Joe Vitale winners of possibly the cheesiest book title of all time! Saying that though — if you saw it on a website or a bookshelf you’d probably be at least curious enough to take a look: wouldn’t you?
So what’s it all about? Well the book is all about meta stories and that’s really what we were talking about. A meta story is a way of training your subconscious mind to drive you towards success — in whatever area you want it. You start your meta story by writing down on some detail, an experience from your past where you achieved something positive.
You then re-write the experience leaving out the negative stuff. That gives you the basis for a series of mental and physical exercises including writing the new meta story down 100 times. It goes on from there — It’s not easy. I’ve heard it described as like pulling barbed wire out of your ass (Thanks Steve!)
So what’s the point? Well put simply it’s this: Without training our subconscious minds find it much easier to take the lazy, negative aspects of life to inform the way we think and act. In the above example the subconscious would be saying something like — “Yeah that was a big pay day but what about the bad back eh ? — You would have happily paid the money back to not have the pain wouldn’t you?” A very bad meta story.
Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind With A Meta Story
That’s the default setting for most of us. It’s all to do with associations, peers, human nature and a host of baggage that has built up. By training the subconscious to associate only positive things with our goals, ambitions and wants, we stand a much better chance of attaining them.
So if your thinking — “I want next weeks pay cheque to be bigger than last months”, for example — the untrained subconscious is saying — “That’ll never happen — never has never will”. The meta story trained subconscious on the other hand will be saying — “lets get to work then — we did achieve that big success last year after all that we’ve been writing about all day so of course we can do it”.
This is a very simplified explanation of what is actually a very detailed, scientific, tried tested and proven system of brain training (despite the cheesy title) The system is actually called Cybernetic Transposition. Would you open that if you saw it on a bookshelf? — Method to the madness.
Ask yourself these questions:
• How does my day start? Who is with me?• How much time do I spend working? What do I do for leisure?• How does it look? Use your senses to see, feel, taste, touch, hear• What’s important to me and where am I looking to get to?• Why is it I want these things and is it worth the work?

It’s Thursday 29th June 2023. I awaken at 6.30am, sunlight streaming through the window. I do some stretches and breathing exercises then go downstairs and make a cup of tea. I bask in the warmth of the early morning sun and take a moment to be grateful and visualize my goals for the day.
I hear the tippy tap of paws on the kitchen flagstones and Darakht, our rescue dog from Afghanistan, appears in the doorway. I can also hear our Shetland pony neighing in greeting as he’s seen that we’re up, so I go and say hello and give him a good scratch behind his ears. Next I go and feed our chickens — they laid four eggs this morning. Back at the house, I make a cup of coffee for Dave and go upstairs to see that he’s awake and also enjoying the sun’s rays. We have a kiss and a cuddle, then open up the skylight to welcome in the new day.
Dave takes the dogs out before it gets too hot, while I take a shower in my wet room. Back in June 2021, I was run ragged trying to clean and maintain our Airbnb between the back to back bookings we had as a result of everybody staycationing post-lockdown. Whilst it was a vital source of income when my online business was in its early stages, passive income it was not and I’m grateful that I know how to generate that with ease and get to show other people how they can set themselves free with multiple income streams. Needless to say, I thank my lucky stars that we not only have the Godsend of a bathroom each, but we can also now afford to have them cleaned by somebody else.
Like every summer’s day (and most spring and autumn days to be honest), I choose a bikini, t-shirt and shorts. I still relish not having to think about what I’m going to wear most days and the freedom of little clothing. Unlike back in the UK.
I go and say hello to Irene and tell her about our plans for the day while I clean her windows. Then it’s time to feed our pony, pygmy goats, miniature Spanish donkey and the alpacas. They’re getting quite woolly now. Soon it will be time to shear them and sell the wool to a lady in the village. Our menagerie of animals makes me feel so happy and content.
I wander down to my writing hut in the garden, Darakht the Afghani Street dog trotting along beside me. Six years after we adopted him, he’s still my shadow and I love it. Whilst he faces stiff competition from Pablo, our first Spanish rescue, he’ll always be a Mummy’s boy. Nowadays he prefers hanging out in the garden to accompanying our other dogs on a walk. And curling up in his bed in the corner of my writing hut.

My favourite time to write is early in the mornings, ideally before anybody else is up. For me, writing is a compulsion. It helps me order my thoughts and make sense of the world. Without it I’m never my true or best self. For the past two years, since I did the Incubate program and also created my Best Life Blueprint, I’ve also prioritised self-care and growth. I religiously follow the advice of author Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way and write my morning pages every day. There doesn’t have to be a purpose or outcome for the writing, it’s the process that matters.
And now I have the writing space I’ve always wanted.



Katherine Bennett

I'm Katherine Bennett. I live in a self-built tiny home with my husband and our Afghani rescue dog when we’re not travelling in our campervan.